Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Here is what Warren Buffett said during the weekend !!

Every year in May Berkshire Hathaway hosts their annual shareholders meeting in Omaha where 40K shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway descend to hear to what "Oracle of Omaha" Warren Buffett has to say and that was during the last weekend this year. I was lucky that I found time to hear to the live broadcast of Q&A where Warren Buffett, 89 along with Charlie Monger, 95 sit for more that 5 hours to take questions from shareholders and answer them with some humor. I was surprised about the energy both of them had at their age and wish I would have the same state of mind and energy when I turn that old . They could pass on the baton to the Indian origin Ajit Jain as his next successor.

Here are few points I noted

Buffett said to invest in areas that you know when deciding on what companies to invest in and he calls them as 'circle of competence' and also believes expanding your 'circle of competence' but to be cautious and patient when investing

Buffett thinks that stocks are ridiculously cheap if you believe that 3% on the 30-year bonds makes sense.

Buffett said, "You can invest small sums at much higher rates of return than you can large sums"

Charlie said "You don't need a portfolio of large stocks if you know what you are doing."

Buffett said,"It’s the two things you can’t buy: Time and Love." "I’ve been very, very, very lucky in life to be able to control my own time to an extreme degree."

"Charlie’s always valued that too. That’s why we really wanted to have money, so we could do what we damned pleased."

"I could do anything that money could buy, pretty much, and I’m having more fun doing what I do than doing anything else."

The last sentence he said is the reason I am trying to retire early and to do what I love to do. 

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