Sunday, March 17, 2019

Wealth Philosophy

      Over the years I have questioned myself many times why am I here in Sweden away from my dear and near ones and bearing this looong dark cold winters. I make up many reason why I am here of them all two that stands out are one having enough money to retire early so that I can spend more time with my near and dear ones and the other is similar to what our parents had sacrificed their present to make sure we have a better future and thatz the dream I too have for my kids have a better life and childhood than we had.

       'Every Krone Saved is a Krone Earned' . There is no need for me to discuss how to save money or do it regularly with discipline which we are all good at, what we need to understand is how to make our money work harder than us who work hard to make it. This is something which I felt I lacked when I started thinking on an action plan.

         I was always told that FD , Gold and Real Estate are where the money should be invested and not in stocks as its like gambling off your money, this is something I have realized was not completely true. Hence I started my journey of understanding how to make my money work harder for me.

Here in this blog I am talking only about managing Materialistic wealth and not the other kinds of wealth we should be managing to be considered rich namely the Health and Mental Wealth. 

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