Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Swadesh to Swedesi

My First Post- About Me

    I have been in Stockholm from the last 10 years and have build my life here from scratch after I came here on an consulting assignment. I have seen how Stockholm has evolved during the last 10 years with so many of my fellow Indian arriving and making a life and calling Sweden their new found home . I am super excited that my fellow desi's have found Sweden as a new destination to take up assignments as Swedes has the same emphasis on Family ties as we have and the system supports it very well . Coming from a set-up where work -life balance was non-existent to a society that cherishes work life balance was a tsunami of fresh air for sure.
    As I said I started my life from scratch , I have learned a lot of things the hard way or have started lately, there by being at an disadvantage. If you don't understand the system , you wouldn't know how to work with it.
     I thought it may be helpful for my fellow Desi's if I can put in my experience and collaborate on how we can enrich ourselves together to be a vibrant and progressive community as we can see in other parts of the world.
     Will try publishing all that I know and you are welcome to contribute in the comments or want to publish some thing here useful for all of us.
Do drop me your inputs on my mail id

Pls bookmark this page as I would be updating the blog atleast once or twice a week about my journey.

This blog is to document my journey to achieve Financial Independence and to Retire Early and is not a finance advisory blog

I plan to be aplolitical / areligious here and to be inclusive of all my fellow Desi's from all parts of India.

Sāre jahāṉ se acchā, Hindositāṉ hamārā

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